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Downey and El Grullo Become Sister Cities

Downey exchanges city flags with El Grullo. Downey City Hall. Sept. 10, 2024. Photo: Joe Brizzolara.


In a special meeting held on September 10, 2024, the Downey City Council formalized a Sister City relationship with El Grullo, Jalisco, Mexico. 

The meeting, presided over by Mayor Mario Trujillo, culminated in the passing of a resolution which will mark the beginning of a formal partnership aimed at fostering friendship, cultural exchanges, and economic cooperation between the two cities. The resolution passed unanimously, with Councilmember Claudia Frometa absent.

“It’s an honor to enter into a formal relationship with El Grullo as sister cities,” Trujillo said. “We hope to build ties around culture, education, and economic exchanges, so that it can be an active relationship.”

El Grullo Mayor Milton Cárdenas was in attendance and said this partnership will strengthen existing ties between the regions.

“Many of you and your families have found well-being here, and it is an honor to be here today,” Cárdenas said. “Thank you, and soon, with this mandate, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the relationship between Downey and our city grows stronger every day.”

The sister city concept, introduced in 1956 by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower was designed to promote international understanding and goodwill. 

Downey has long embraced this idea, having established connections with cities such as Guadalajara, San Quintín, and Fresnillo in Mexico, as well as Roscommon in Ireland and Alajuela in Costa Rica. Now, El Grullo, a city with a population of approximately 28,000, has joined the list.

The special meeting opened with Trujillo welcoming attendees, including notable figures such as Assemblymember Blanca Pacheco (D-Downey), originally from El Salto, Jalisco, and Lupita Infante, the granddaughter of Mexican cultural icon Pedro Infante, who lives in Downey.

The event was also attended by representatives for state Senator Bob Archuleta (D-Downey) and Congressmember Robert Garcia (D-Downey).

Monsignor Lorenzo Miranda, Director of the Cardinal Timothy Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles, led an invocation, blessing the newly formed relationship and expressing hope for its future success: “We ask you, Lord, to bless this Sister City relationship between El Grullo and Downey, so that it may bring many benefits and growth for both communities.” he prayed.

The event also featured members of Downey’s Sister Cities Association, which played a key role in facilitating the partnership.

Carmen Amarillas, President of Downey Sister Cities, was awarded a certificate of recognition by the city and thanked the council for making the partnership a reality.

“To all the councilmen here, and Mayor Trujillo, he was also everyday working for it: this is going to be history. And we want to thank you for getting us together as sister cities,” Amarillas said. “We were learn from your place, and they will learn from us.”

During the public comment section, one speaker, originally from El Grullo but now residing in Monterey Park, expressed her enthusiasm for the new partnership: “Though I am far from my homeland, I never stop loving it. I believe there are many things we can do together.”

Mayor Trujillo highlighted Downey’s strong commitment to its Sister City program: “The Sister City Association of Downey is an independent nonprofit organization. They have their own board of directors and president, who made the recommendation for this Sister City relationship with El Grullo.”

Councilmember Dorothy Pemberton noted, “Cultural and heritage exchanges are so important, especially with the many people from Jalisco who live in Downey.”

As part of the ceremony, gifts, flags, and certificates of recognition were exchanged between the two cities. Mayor Trujillo announced plans to create a permanent display of flags from all of Downey’s sister cities, ensuring that the partnership with El Grullo will be prominently honored.

The ceremony concluded with a performance by Mariachi performer El Tariacuri (Juan Mendoza), who is originally from Mexico City.  

Mariachi performer El Tariacuri (Juan Mendoza) serenades the crowd. Downey City Hall. Sept. 10, 2024. Photo: Kevin Ezeh.
El Grullo Mayor Milton Cárdenas. Downey City Hall. Sept. 10, 2024. Photo: Kevin Ezeh.
Downey Mayor Mario Trujillo receives a replica of La Glorieta del Cooperativismo, a prominent monument in El Grullo. Downey City Hall. Sept. 10, 2024. Photo: Kevin Ezeh.
Downey Sister Cities President Carmen Amarillas. Downey City Hall. Sept. 10, 2024. Photo: Joe Brizzolara.

Disclosure Note: Please be aware that Carmen Amarillas, the publisher of this site, also serves as the President of the Downey Sister Cities Association.

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