On July 16, a U.S. District Judge of the Southern District of Texas ruled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as unlawful. Under the DACA program, undocumented individuals who were brought to the U.S. as minors are permitted to remain in this country to work and get an education, including financial aid.
This ruling does not immediately affect current DACA recipients, although it does bar approval of new applications.
Cerritos College is committed to creating access, opportunity, and safety to students who identify as DACA and undocumented. The College will continue to provide resources and support to undocumented students as DACA is challenged through federal courts.
Cerritos College also reaffirms its full support of undocumented students. The College will continue to protect student privacy, as federal law requires the College to keep student information confidential.
In partnership with The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), the College offers free immigration services and support.
These no-cost and low-cost services are available to students, faculty, and staff, and include:
- Immigration eligibility consultations
- DACA renewal
- Naturalization
- Family-based immigration
- Know Your Rights sessions
- Emergency Planning & Safety Preparedness
- Other legal immigration services
All services are confidential. For more information visit https://legal.chirla.org/.
“Despite the Texas federal court ruling, Cerritos College will remain a safe campus for DACA students to learn in an inclusive environment where they are valued and protected,” said Dr. Jose Fierro, president/superintendent.
“At Cerritos College, we ensure all students thrive regardless of their immigration status and are committed to providing support and resources to improve the lives of our Dreamers and their families.”
Additionally, the College’s UndocuFalcon Scholars Program supports undocumented students and those who have mixed-status families. Students can connect with the UndocuFalcon Scholars Program in the following ways:
- Follow UndocuAlly on Instagram: @cerritoscollegeundocu
- Visit the UndocuFalcon Scholars Program website
- View the list of resources for Dreamers/AB540 students
- Mental Health Counseling by calling (562) 653-7821 press option 1 or by calling the Student Health and Wellness Clinic at (562) 860-2451 ext. 2321.