The mother of Vanessa Guillen on Thursday pleaded with President Donald Trump for justice for her slain daughter, who was killed at Fort Hood earlier this year, during a White House meeting.
By: Clarissa Arceo
Earlier today, Thursday, July 30th, people from all overflew to Washington D.C. to march in solidarity with the Guillen family to raise awareness for the #IAmVanessaGuillen Bill preceding the family’s meeting with President Trump.
The Guillen family arrived in D.C. only days before the events, some of the family receiving visas while in Mexico just to attend.
The family hopes to bring awareness to the vouched for Bill, #IAmVanessaGuillen, that serves to provide a third party for victims of sexual assault in the military to turn to in reporting their experiences.
The day started with a press conference followed by a march from the U.S. Capitol to the White House where various speakers spoke about Vanessa and the bill on her name.
Esther Rivera, a citizen of Downey, shares her experience at the march, today, sharing pictures and videos of the speakers and participants, “The family spoke in front of the Capital prior to the march, it felt like we had all lost a family member. We need to stop this to make sure it happens to no one else, we need to make sure no one ever has to go through something like that“.
At the meeting in the White House following the march, President Trump assured the Guillen family of a thorough and justified investigation, claiming, “It will not be swept under the rug”.
In addressing the Bill, the Guillen family lawyer, Natalie Khawam, mentions the mistreatment and lack of protection of sexual assault victims within the military.

Lupe Guillen, Vanessa’s sister, notes that such situations are present widespread where soldiers unjustly lose their lives amidst their time in the military, “Fort Hood is supposed to be held accountable, their leadership is to be held accountable. They are to protect every soldier, they didn’t protect her, instead, they killed her, they sexually harassed her… This could have been prevented”.
In response, the President promised financial aid to the family in carrying out Vanessa’s funeral, which was put on hold due to investigations, in the coming days.
Throughout the meeting, Vanessa Guillen’s mother, Gloria, received translations through an interpreter and repeatedly broke down in tears.
Khawam, the family’s attorney, justifies the consideration of the bill saying, “The military needs reform. This bill will save lives. Our military deserves better. They deserve to be protected. They fight for us every day and we should protect them. Protect the protectors, defend the defenders.”
Specialist Vanessa Guillen, age 20, was reported to have gone missing April 22, 2020. The investigation went to discover Guillen’s body found in a lake 20 miles from Fort Hood where she had been stationed.
Guillen had just opened up to family about her awful experience in the base with sexual assault and just when authorities released the names of suspects after discovering her body, Aaron David Robinson, the main suspect of the case who just so happened to also be stationed at the Fort, killed himself.