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Opinion: On 9/11, remember those lost in the War on Terror

A ceremony in remembrance of 9/11 held at Downey City Hall. Sept. 11, 2024. Photo: Lee Squire.

Lee Squire

9/11 was a declaration of war against terrorism. On that day, 2,977 people were killed, leaving behind their families who were deeply impacted. Among the lives lost were police officers and firefighters. Out of 9/11 came the Thin Blue Line flag, honoring police, and the Red Line flag, honoring firefighters.

9/11 marked the beginning of the 20-year War on Terrorism. At Bastard’s Canteen in Downey, the names of 49 Marines killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan are displayed. On Downey’s Memorial, under the pillar of the Marines, there is also a resident who was killed in action.

I wear this shirt from Bastard’s in honor of all those service members who were killed in action during the 20-year war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

God bless America. God bless the nation of Israel. God bless military veterans and their families. God bless police officers, firefighters, and their families. And I ask that we all remember tomorrow, not just the 2,977 who lost their lives on 9/11, but all those who lost their lives fighting the War on Terrorism.

Lee Squire is 72-year resident of Downey, a Vietnam-era Veteran, US Army, a graduate of Downey High School Class of 1967, and a former 31-year employee of the City of Brea.

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